#1WT / Introduction to Web Technology

Web Technology

Web technologies are the various tools and techniques that are utilised in the process of communication between different types of devices over the internet.
To understand this term in a better manner, let’s break it down into two pieces: ‘web’ and ‘technology’.

The methods by which computers communicate with each other through the use of markup languages and multimedia packages is known as web technology.
The web, in this case, refers to the World Wide Web, more commonly known as WWW. It first came into being in 1989 when famous scientist and engineer, Tim Berners-Lee, came up with an efficient mechanism to share resources between scientists all over the world.

You probably know that computers don't communicate with each other the way that people do. Instead, computers require codes, or directions. These binary codes and commands allow computers to process needed information. Every second, billions upon billions of ones and zeros are processed in order to provide you with the information you need.

Web Development Categories

This is devided into two parts 
1. Front End Development
2. Back End Development

Front End Development -

Front End is defined as the client side area which is directly visible to all the users who are looking on website. Front End Development refers to design and develop the visual things for client side with the help of Graphics / Images / Videos / Animations / Styles /etc. 
The person who develop the web for front end is called Front End Developer.
This is designed with the help of following languages.
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Back End Development -

Back End is defined as the developer side area which is not visible to the normal users. Back End is the land of developer or Admin where he build logics and algorithms to make the website dynamic. Dynamic means the automatic or real time changes with the help server side programming. i.e, Facebook , LinkedIn, Twitter.

Different web technologies are used in the process of web design and development. 
Here is a brief overview of the differences between the two categories of web development.

Website designDatabases
Some UI technologies:Some backend technologies:

Web Development Stratigies

Web development strategies can lead you nowhere if you have not based it on effective strategies. Jumping upon websites development without planning and strategising is like merely going on a journey without a roadmap. Here are some of the web development strategies discusses.

Web development is the process (or processes) of building and maintaining websites. It goes beyond just presentation but also involves the work and processes of trying to make websites user-friendly, navigable, work fast, and perform well overall providing seamless user experiences.

Let’s get to know the strategies of web development.

A responsive web design

You must already know about the responsiveness of the site, if you are in the online business for a long time. Responsive design enables your website to change its layout on a variety of devices, in order to make it more user-friendly. Such a website is designed to adapt itself to computing devices used by the visitor to view the site. The design and development are created accordingly.

Note: If your website is not responsive, then ranking in Google would be very very difficult. Only responsive sites are preferred by Google.

Software design and prototyping development

The attention span of the consumer is not more than a few seconds. They will just drop the tool and the app if the expectations are not met. So, whatever you are offering would be bang on point, or else it’s a dead site.

Marketing strategy

How your business is going to be a one-stop with a solution provider, what resources would be required to handle customer expectations and how these resources would be put to use, to make the offering effective and yielding, are some of the questions that need thorough research. There is no shortcut to success and research is the very first and most reliable strategy that yields result assuredly.

The strategy of Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis is crucial to stay one above the contemporaries. Identifying weak points of competition and giving a solution to those is a great opportunity that may get missed off the radar if analysis of competitors.

Identify Your Target Audience

It is essential to do detailed profiling of your target audience. Their attitude, perceptions, expectations and buying sentiment are worth knowing to prepare your web development process to sync with their attribute.

A strategy of SEO Friendly Design and Development

The design of web property should be close to how a search engine sees. An important tip includes putting the most important portion of your offering in HTML text format. You must focus on achieving content that is indexable, carrying keywords in sufficient numbers at prominent places, making links crawlable, and so on.

Optimization of JavaScript, CSS and HTML Code

You need to achieve omnipresence given the fact that the points of interaction in world web are many. HTML5 renders fitness to complement a multi-device environment and makes it look consistent across all the platform using single code. Both CSS and HTML5 benefit the businesses by adding to their visibility, offering cross-platform consistency and achieving user-friendliness. All these features make the path to higher ranks on search engine easier.

We consider that with the help of this tutorial you learnt web development introduction and popular stratigies required for web devlopment. In the next tutorial you will learn about History of Web & Internet.